Melodic Inersect’s latest release Looking Back features Enayet Hossain on tabla, Hidayat Khan on Sitar, Indradeep Ghosh on violin, Greg Hatza on Piano, Zohaib Hassan on the Sarangi, Fred Koch on the Sax and Qamar Abass on the Cajon. A music reviewer at the Chicago Tribune has written “I guarantee it will have world music lovers and jazz aficionados swooning in ecstasy, humbly bowing with palms touching and thumbs close to their chest, and whispering “Namaste” over, and over, and over again.” Full Article Here. Hupages writes, “The music of India is as diverse as the land it comes from. The country is a nation composed of twenty-eight states, each with their own dialect, culture, tradition and religion, but united by their love of music. “Looking Back”, by a highly talented combo that calls itself Melodic Intersect, is the embodiment of this love.” Full Article Here. Hot Indie News writes, ” A very wise person once said that life is but only a series of experiences. To understand them one must look within and without, one must look forward and backward, and that one must sometime walk the road less traveled. It is abundantly clear that this is something that Melodic Intersect fully comprehends. With Looking Back they share with us an enriching life experience: their marvelously multifaceted music.” Full Article Here